Solutions to common wireless bluetooth headset problems

2022-07-23 00:21:40 By : Ms. May Xie

The use of wireless headphones is widespread, we have them within reach with all kinds of qualities and prices, the range of options is endless.The convenience of removing the cable is also the biggest headache.Let's see the most common problems with wireless headphones and their solutions.The vast majority of wireless headphones connect via Bluetooth to the playback device.This can be your smartphone, tablet, computer or Smart TV.The Bluetooth connection is made up of several factors that involve both devices (headphones and smartphone, for example) such as the different standards and codecs with which they are compatible, each one with its peculiarities.However, like any technology or connection, it may have some other problem that prevents us from being able to enjoy it.For this reason, we are going to see the different options that we will have at our disposal so that the Bluetooth error is solved and we can connect the wireless headphones to any device that is compatible.As we said before, the great advantage of working without cables is also the great problem.The connection between devices generates various problems that also have their own solution.For this reason, we will go through each of the inconveniences or problems that we may suffer when trying to pair the wireless headphones with a specific device, be it a computer, a tablet, a mobile, etc.The most common is that you cannot pair or link the wireless headphones with your smartphone, tablet or computer.You go to the bluetooth connection settings on your mobile and you don't see your headphones in the list.Pairing the headphones is a process that is done only the first time you are going to use them with a specific device.For this, it is important that you know how the Pairing Mode is activated in the headphones.They usually have a button with the "B" of the Bluetooth logo that you have to hold down until a blue light flashes, this means that the Pairing Mode has been activated and the headphones should already appear in the list of available devices on your smartphone. .We can also find the problem in the smartphone or player device having the Bluetooth connection disabled.It is important to know that if the headset is plugged into power, for safety, the Pairing Mode will not activate.Or that they have enough battery to be paired, on certain occasions, with low battery they are able to turn on, but not activate for Pairing Mode.More precisely, although most headphones are compatible with the most popular Bluetooth standards, we must make sure that both the headphones and the smartphone are compatible with the same Bluetooth standard and the same codecs.Another basic check to make is that they are compatible with your device because it may be the case that they are not.You may have already checked it before making the purchase, but it is interesting to assess this aspect.A rarer but existing case is when you try to connect a device when you already have another with the same name, something that can give you problems.Remove the old one and try again.The truth is that the range of Bluetooth headphones allows them to be a few meters away from the phone and that there is no problem when listening to them.However, the first time you are going to pair them, it is best to have them as close as possible, since it could be that having them at a distance is the reason that they are not detected.Try it as yet another option.Without a doubt, another possibility is to turn off and turn on both the phone and the headphones.Actually, this is a method that works on many occasions.As is turning the phone's Bluetooth off and on several times to try to see if the device can be paired with the wireless headphones.Finally, if for example you are at home and you are close to your WiFi router or modem, it is best to move away if you are having pairing problems.This could be another reason why these interferences or issues are taking place in the process of connecting your wireless headset to your phone.With all these indications, it is most likely that you will solve this pairing problem, otherwise if you cannot connect them, talk to the manufacturer or the store where you bought them.Once you have carried out the pairing process with the smartphone correctly, we may encounter connection problems in subsequent uses.For these types of cases we have to look at the physical environment that surrounds the headphones and the device.The first thing is to look at the distance that separates both, generally, the Bluetooth connection works correctly within a radius of 10 meters maximum.We must also do a basic check, since, although it seems silly, sometimes we deactivate Bluetooth and when using devices that they use we see that they do not work without knowing why.Therefore, check that Bluetooth is activated.Although, we will have to check this on the other device itself, and not on the headphones.Another important aspect is knowing the number of devices that can be connected to your headphones simultaneously.If the limit is 1, it is likely that they are already connected to another device and that is why you do not see them from your mobile.Disabling them from the other linked devices would be your solution in this case.You should also check that the correct device is connected, and not another.In the case of having connection problems in headphones with an NFC function, which allows you to connect only by bringing the headphones close to the device, the problem is usually that the one-touch connection function is disabled on the device.The main cause of wireless headset disconnections is interference and distance (10 meters maximum) or physical elements that come between the devices (walls, houses...).Some of these causes are all those cases or covers that we use for our smartphones, this can easily generate interference.Another element incompatible with the bluetooth connection is having one of the devices near the router, the Wi-Fi signal they emit is causing interference with the Bluetooth connection, or with the microwave for the same reason.Therefore, it is very important to check what is near them and analyze the situation to see what may be causing problems and what to do in this case.Also try unplugging devices that may be interfering.Once the "drink" of pairing wireless headphones and having them activated is over, we can face problems with the audio.It may be that, as much as we have managed to pair both devices without any type of error at first sight, the truth is that the fault may later be in the sound emitted by the headphones.To do this, we must try the following solutions:This is usually one of the usual symptoms when the battery power of the earphones is running low, they start to fail for one earphone to end up turning off completely.The obvious solution is to charge the headphones.Another interesting check if the problem is not in the battery is to check the sound balance settings on the device, willingly or unintentionally, we may have configured it so that it is only heard by one of the headphones.Another cause that can cause an error in the earphones is when one of the earphones is the one that connects exclusively to the smartphone, forwarding the signal by cable or wirelessly to the other earphone.The solution to this problem would be to unpair the headphones, restart them and start the pairing process again.As usually happens in these cases, when a mobile device starts to fail, the first thing we have to do is check the battery level.In some models we can do it directly on the smartphone screen, in others we will have to check if an LED lights up, usually red, indicating that the battery is about to run out.A low battery can cause any type of error in the service, only being heard through one earphone, receiving distorted audio, etc.Not to directly attribute the cause to the headphones, it is true that distorted audio may be due to an excessively high volume, try turning it down to see if the audio distortion is eliminated.The low quality of the broadcast itself can cause the audio to be distorted when we turn up the volume.Another factor to keep in mind is that it may be normal to hear distorted or poor quality sound in the first few seconds of the connection until the connection completes properly.We can also try to remove the connection for a few minutes and re-establish it, as we do with the computer when we restart it, because it may be due to a bad connection or something is wrong.If you can't find a solution in the other options, it's probably because of this, or you'll need to readjust your settings because they were wrong.The traditional headphones, the ones that were connected through the 3.5 mm Jack plug.they receive the energy you need through this connection, so they do not incorporate internal batteries.Wireless headphones, on the other hand, need an internal battery to work and, as you can imagine, it is a source of problems.Well, on more than one occasion, we will not only have to deal with the failure of the pairing or sound, but also that of the battery of the wireless headphones.The first thing to consider are the usual factors that affect batteries in general.On the one hand, be aware of the useful life of a battery.This is shortened depending on the use we give to the headphones, since the useful life of all batteries is limited.If we have been using the same headphones for 5 years, on a daily basis, that their battery drains quickly is completely normal.The solution would be to go to the manufacturer and request the replacement of the batteries or, directly, buy new ones if this is within our possibilities.Next, we must inform ourselves of the autonomy that the headphones have, the batteries that they incorporate are small and we cannot pretend to make continuous uses without having to recharge.An autonomy of up to 12 hours, for example, can be considered optimal.Another option, to "stretch" the autonomy is to configure the player device so that it does not play sounds in notifications, keyboard clicks, music in games, etc.This error is quite descriptive and does not speak well of the state of the battery of the headphones or the headphones themselves.The first thing we must do is rule out that the problem is in the plug or the charger used, we will do that by testing the charger in another plug or another charger.And it is that, in most cases, if the headphones have not suffered any blow, nor have they gotten wet, it is most likely a problem with the plug or charger that we were using.As absurd as it sounds, we also have to check that the battery is already 100% charged.Once we make sure that there are no problems unrelated to the headphones, the best solution is to go to the nearest technical service so that they can access the batteries and their connectors and check where the problem may be.If after reading all the solutions given above you still have pairing or listening problems, it is interesting that you try to pair the headphones with another device and use them.This is to rule out problems on the device you use as a player.If they work properly, we will know that the problem was in the device itself (smartphone, etc.).Another way to check if the playback device is causing the problem is to connect other headphones, even wired ones, to see if they work properly.For this type of generic problem in which we do not detect the cause, it is good to try also generic solutions.Like, for example, updating the operating system of the device and the drivers of the computer.This way we can solve some problems generated by conflicts between hardware and software.For the most animated, or the most desperate with the subject, it may be interesting to restore the factory settings and data, although it is essential to analyze the consequences that this can have, loss of information, etc.If you are experiencing the above mentioned issues with your wireless earphones, or simply have poor sound quality, you probably want to check if re-establishing the Bluetooth connection between the smartphone and the earphones fixes the issue, or at least partially helps the problem.To do this, you will have to follow some very simple steps that we will mention below:If after performing these steps you cannot solve the problem, you may want to try pairing the headphones to another mobile phone.If the problem is not with the second phone, the problem could be with your smartphone, rather than the headphones.On the contrary, if the problem persists on the second device, you should probably replace your headphones since they have stopped working normally.