A Bluetooth headset can be invaluable because the wireless connection frees your hands to do other things while you take phone calls throughout the day. It can be frustrating, however, when Bluetooth headphones won't connect reliably to your phone, and sometimes the reason may be difficult to pinpoint. If you're scratching your head saying "my Bluetooth won't connect to my Android phone or iPhone ," troubleshoot and optimize the connection between your phone and headset in a few easy steps.
The most common reason for Bluetooth connection issues is interference with Wi-Fi signals. Phones, tablets and laptops with dual Wi-Fi and Bluetooth support have control features that allow these technologies to coexist.
In some cases, Bluetooth performance may be degraded by Wi-Fi traffic; for instance, if you are downloading streaming video or music to your phone, you should pause or stop that application until your Bluetooth connection is established. If this still does not work, turn off Wi-Fi on your phone and then connect Bluetooth. Other common household and office equipment can cause Bluetooth interference as well, including microwave ovens, fluorescent lights and even some power cables.
Check to see if the issue is caused by interference by moving to a new location, ideally away from any devices using Wi-Fi. If you have control over your wireless router and it seems to be causing trouble, you can try configuring it to use a different radio channel.
Sometimes Bluetooth might simply be turned off on your phone or device. The icons that indicate whether Bluetooth is on or off can be difficult to see, or they might be hidden. If your device has a Bluetooth settings screen that allows fine control of Bluetooth behavior, you should ensure that Bluetooth is "connectable." If your device does not have such a control screen, you can assume that the default behavior of the Bluetooth device is "connectable" and you don't need to look for a way to enable this feature.
Check the device's manual to see if there is something special you need to do to put it in Bluetooth pairing mode. Also make sure it's not already connected to another device, such as your laptop or someone else's phone, and that your phone isn't connecting to another device.
You can also try turning Bluetooth on and off on your phone or simply resetting both devices.
Another common reason for connection issues is a low battery level on the Bluetooth headset. Some headsets do not have sophisticated battery level sensors, and as the battery level runs low, the processor that controls the headset does not have the power to operate properly.
Always make sure your headset is fully charged if you are having connectivity issues. Consider plugging it in for a bit or replacing a replaceable battery if it has one, then trying again.
If all troubleshooting methods fail, you might find it necessary to delete the connection from your phone or other device and recreate the link with your Bluetooth headset. It may be difficult to tell which component is at fault – the headset or the phone – but in either case, resetting the link may help.
The procedure for deleting the headset connection differs from one phone to another, but it should be simple to figure out from the Bluetooth menu. You can then follow the instructions to put your device into "pairing mode," which will allow your phone to restart the link with your headset.
If you don't have the documentation that came with your device, you can search for it online or contact the manufacturer for help.
John Granby began his writing career in 2000 as a founding member of a tech industry website targeted at WAP developers. He has provided in-depth coverage of the wireless industry, served as a speaker at several conferences and authored a book on Bluetooth. Granby earned a Bachelor of Science in computer engineering from Purdue University.