No, we’re not grumbling about the Fenrir’s usability: its plug-and-play connectivity works perfectly once you figure out that the (optional) USB connector powers the earphone-mounted LEDS. It’s a slightly unusual arrangement, with the cable terminating on both a USB connector and a 3.5mm headphone jack but you’ll get used to it.
Nor do have a problem with the sound quality. Priced at £35.99/$35.99, the Fenrir E7000 is at the budget end of the market but it’s got an excellent audio range. When using it to listen to music, we were catching the tail end of fading lyrics, ones we could have sworn we hadn’t noticed before.
And when it comes to games, the purpose it’s indented for, the Fenrir more than delivers. Between the bass-heavy Doom Eternal and the stealth-focused Thief 2 and Dishonored, we didn’t miss a thing. And playing Sniper Elite 5, the surround sound made it a little easier to pinpoint the direction bullets were coming from compared to the already rather good Sades A2.
The microphone quality is also pretty great, not a million miles away from the performance of the Joby Wavo Pod which we recently reviewed. And for a headset this cheap, that’s quite an achievement. However, since the USB connector is only used to power the LEDs you can’t use your PC to tweak the Fenrir E7000’s settings. If you want a headset that you can tweak to the nth degree, the EKSA Star Engine E5000 might be more suitable.
That said, the flipside to that is the EKSA Fenrir E700 works with any device with a 3.5mm socket. Connect it to a TV, Xbox controller, mobile phone and so on, and you’ll get the same quality from each device. The jack is a combination microphone and headphone jack, but EKSA has included a splitter just in case your PC or device requires the old-fashioned green speaker jack and pink microphone jack.
The Fenrir E7000 headset is wonderfully comfortable on our ears, though we could have done without the braided extension cable looping around on itself. After a week or so of use the problem lessened, but unless we hung it up, somewhere where the cable lay straight, we’d have to unwind the loops before we could use it again.
What confuses us about the Fenrir E7000 is where the whole fenrir/wolf branding comes in. We’ve had confirmation from EKSA that it didn’t just pick the word out of a hat or been inspired by God of War Ragnarok’s trailer. The same glowing eyes that appear in the advertising are on each earphone, but there’s also a zig-zag mouth like that makes them look like a pair of smug Space Invaders.
Try as we might, no matter how much we squint at the headphones, we’re not seeing a wolf. Even if we cover the mouth and just look at the eyes we’re still not getting it. We tried staring really hard, in case it was the modern equivalent of one of those Magic Eye posters, but it just made our eyeballs hurt.
This oddity aside, this is a is a great cross-platform piece of kit, delivering comfort and excellent sound quality. And, as long as no-one asks you what the thing on the side of the earphones is supposed to be, you’ll be glad you bought the EKSA Fenrir E7000 Gaming Headset.