If you want brilliant sound quality for cheap go for Fiio in ear monitors. They have many models.
FatShady, 07 May 2022so, its probably better than the LV ones and cost +1000$ less on top of that. https://www.you... more LV is different from some artist noone knows/ cares about. And atleast the LV were for rich people with no taste but looked decent, these are just ugly while still being too expensive.
Incredibly ugly headphones. Looks like the blood component charts or a nasty pimple or just old yellowed white headphones.. Sorry but nah, this is just awful to look at and overpriced af on top
beats is always worth half of it's price.it has the worst in sound and voice quality.just expect good looks but nothing else if you consider buying it.
I bought regular variants (reduced to $139) and NOT worth it for any doll hairs, even limited variants! No ANC on 200 doll hairs price tag, bad mic when talking, suddenly died after using for long time Sony WF-MK4, JBL or their Fit Pro / Studio Buds are better than this!
Ligma nuts in mouth, 07 May 2022 When is Poco F4 gt coming to middle east? I've been waiting for a long time. UAE What da frick with you! You asked for another news topic on unrelated news… They’ll be posted your belove phone soon!
Too bad these look like actual garbage.
Damm bruh buds be looking like a red bean plant.
Beats are about cool design and brand name. If you want high quality sound stay away from Beats. Even cheaper JBL has better sound. Imagine Sony Bose Sennheiser. Miles better sound.
When is Poco F4 gt coming to middle east? I've been waiting for a long time. UAE
Am a sucker for customized earphones and headsets
Wtf ugly disigne from "Scorn" game lol
so, its probably better than the LV ones and cost +1000$ less on top of that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zb1iyd7YyF4
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